Saturday, October 2, 2010

More funny stuff...

I should start doing a blog post each week called the token video, ha.
This one is not very motivational but it is kind of funny (not the funiest Chris Farley sketch but I'm trying to stay on topic) and has people exercising. I love it when the fitness instructor says, "Look at me! I'm thin, I'm handsome, I could have sex with anyone in this room!" Something to aspire to. J/K

Matt Foley Motivational Speaker and Fitness Trainer

Gary Glynn | MySpace Video


  1. Yes! Matt Foley. Classic. And yes, it did inspire me.

  2. Dunno who Matt Foley is...related to Chris I take it?...

  3. Matt Foley is the motivational speaker in the skit who lives in a vaaaan down by the riiiveeer. haha
