I really need to get this blog going again. I really need to start exercising like I did when I started this blog. Regular exercise and to eat better - those are my top New Year's resolutions. I am not sure I will achieve my dream of being a thin graduate but I have to try; I have to at least lose some weight by the time I graduate on April 29. Can I lose 80 pounds by then? Ha...
I have lost some weight - 20 to 30 pounds since last summer. I was able to do that because the medication I am on took away all my food cravings and I didn't feel like eating. I went off my meds over Christmas break and the last few days I have been eating way too much. I feel so bloated, ugh. My pants are still very lose though but I need to start losing weight again. I want to start losing weight again; I don't want to feel all full and bloated.
I want to work in regular exercise - I do miss it. I took 16 credit hours in school last semester so it was hard to work in a regular exercise time. I would occasionally play Just Dance; I have all kinds of those fun dancing games now. I love 'em - just have to play 'em on a regular basis. I am taking 16 credit hours this semester too, grr. I love school too much and I feel like I have to do all I can before I graduate, get in all the classes I can, but I do want to get healthy too. So I am starting up this blog again to get me to work in that exercise time and eat better.